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Efficiency in the Making

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Efficiency in the Making

Blokhaus Builders is a provider of high performance building panels, offering building solutions for architects, contractors, and homeowners. Founded by a passionate builder in Maine who wants to take the complications out of building high performance homes, while raising the bar to a standard the world is demanding. We offer smart, simple, and energy efficient, wall and roof panels to improve the landscape we cherish.

With 20 years of building experience and a desire to provide more people with comfortable, healthy homes, we hope to restructure the model.  We want to make the homes we need to be building for our future generations, and we need to make them as accessible as possible. Designed from experience working with leading edge local architects, builders, and engineers we have developed a building system that is completely customizable and with streamlined efficiencies. The PHAB panel or Passive House Approach Building panels are our answer.  If you are an architect looking to provide a simple solution to high performance, a builder with more work load than you can handle, or a homeowner who prioritizes the efficiency of your new home, we would love to be the graceful solution to your needs. Why not join our fast growing customer base? Get in touch today to learn more about the Blokhaus Builders PHAB panels.

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Simple. Smart. Functional

At Blokhaus Builders, we hope our panels will inspire more builders to take the dive into providing much needed high performing homes.  Our panels can be customized to fit your R-Value needs. The divided double stud wall panel comes pre-insulated at either R-26 or R-34 and has an interior service cavity for running electrical and other mechanical systems.  If you choose to insulate the interior wall you could reach an R-40 to R-55 depending on your desires. Our roof panels are completely customizable ranging from R-50 to R-90. We use cutting edge air sealing techniques, thoughtful penetration solutions, and a truly professional installation team to assemble your package. We’ve only just started, but we already know that every product we build requires hard-earned skills, dedication and a caring attitude. Continue reading and learn all there is to know about the process behind our successful PHAB (Passive House Building Approach) Panel Company.

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"Well done is better than well said"

Benjamin Franklin

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37 Hanley Farm Road
Bristol, ME 04539

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